Blog Post

Mailit 8 released

Dacons • May 26, 2020

Dacons announces the immediate availability of Mailit 8.

Mailit 8 supports FileMaker 15-19 and provides HTML email composing and HTML email templates for real.
Compose emails from within FileMaker the WYSIWYG way with all-new Mailit 8 HTML editors. And more: Design professional multi-column email layouts in FileMaker with ease. As always, the included samples let you integrate all Mailit features in your FileMaker apps with ease.

Mailit 8 comes with OAuth 2.0 built-in. OAuth 2.0 has been announced to become the mandatory security standard for email apps connecting to Gmail and Microsoft accounts. Switching to OAuth 2.0 now is highly recommended. Our FileMaker email apps based on Mailit 8 demo OAuth 2.0 integration. We also provide detailed documentation on how to set up OAuth 2.0 in your FileMaker apps.

Mailit 8 is compatible with FileMaker 15-19. 
Mailit 8 now comes with sample apps for FileMaker Server.

Discover Mailit 8 now:

We have been developing Mailit for the past 20 years and we are always looking for opportunities to improve your experience with FileMaker and email. We believe that with HTML editors and latest email security standards, Mailit 8 is another leap forward to make email with FileMaker even better. Check it out now.

About Mailit
Mailit is the industries most advanced email plug-in for FileMaker. Mailit adds more than 130 email functions for IMAP, POP3 and SMTP. Implementation is easy with a powerful suite of customisable email apps that demonstrate how to implement email and mass email solutions using FileMaker. Detailed documentation is available and support is there to help.


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